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Communication and Consultation

Communication and consultation with relevant stakeholders should take place at all stages of the risk management process and at regular/planned intervals. Sharing information on risks with the Global Fund and implementing partners promotes trust and ownership, and contributes to more effective risk treatment and overall decision making. Communication is particularly essential when significant contextual/external risks occur, since it can facilitate quick realignment of project efforts, redefinition of objectives (e.g. through reprogramming) and allocation of funding for risk mitigation activities (for more information, please refer to the section on risk management in high risk environments).

Example A: In the example of poor data quality, when the risk was identified, the team informed the key Sub-recipient (SR), the national disease programme. The SR provided data which lead to identification of the three most affected regions, and worked with the Principal Recipient (PR) to design risk mitigation measures. Following that, the Global Fund was informed about the identified risk and proposed mitigation measures, and all parties agreed to revise the budget in order to allocate funds to finance the mitigation measures.

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