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Capacity Development and Transition

The sustainable transition[1] or handover of the Principal Recipient (PR) role from UNDP to one or more national entities can be one of the results of the capacity development process. The success factors include:

  1. a country context that enables a transparent and participatory process;
  2. clear vision and leadership to manage the transition process;
  3. change management to strengthen systems to meet the Global Fund and national requirements;
  4. putting implementation structures and arrangements in place with clear roles and responsibilities; and
  5. being able to monitor progress by assessment with clear measurable milestones.

The country context is an important element in transition to national PR(s). Where the national entity has previously been a PR and/or a large well performing Sub-recipient (SR) the risks involved are lower and the milestones more easily achieved. A phased approach may be more appropriate over a longer period in fragile countries impacted by conflict or natural disasters and/or with difficult operating environments. Where the Global Fund has an Additional Safeguard Policy (ASP) in place additional strengthening of oversight and accountability systems and programme governance might be needed before the transition milestones are achieved. The capacity development toolkit provides guidance on transition to national entities.

[1] The definition of Transition for the purpose of this guidance is the handing over of the main functions of a PR from an international organization, UNDP or an international non-governmental organization (INGO) acting as Interim PR to a national entity or entities who then become the PR for Global Fund grants.

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