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Allocation and Prioritized Above Allocation Requests (PAAR)

Applicants are expected to submit with their funding request a list of costed and prioritized interventions for which funding is needed, but which cannot be included in the country allocation. This prioritized above allocation request will be reviewed by the Technical Review Panel and technically strong interventions will be registered as ‘Unfunded Quality Demand’ (UQD). These investments are to be funded through savings or efficiencies during grant-making but can also be funded through additional resources that may become available during the cycle, such as Portfolio Optimization [1]. This ensures countries have pre-approved interventions to integrate into grants when savings or efficiencies are found during grant-making, or to include through Programmatic Revisions (previously known as ‘reprogramming’) during implementation if additional funding becomes available. Countries are encouraged to actively reprogram potentially unutilized amounts within the same country-disease component throughout the grant lifecycle. This reprogramming may include priorities registered as UQD. The targets of the Performance framework reflect the activities funded through the allocation. When additional funding becomes available during the grant lifecycle, a revision of the performance framework might be required to include additional targets related to the funding of UQD interventions (refer to the Programmatic Revision section for more information on the process).

[1] The Portfolio Optimization is the process of providing additional funding to countries, when additional resources become available, based on a prioritization framework. The Global Fund Secretariat conducts a review of the UQD Register to prioritize registered needs and direct the investment of the additional sources of funds at the portfolio level.

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